The Canberra Rowing Club is proud to partner with a number of organizations to support our operations and rowing community. These partners include:

  • Rowing ACT is the peak body for rowing in the ACT. They provide us local regattas and events.
  • ACT Government provides us with funding and other support to help us maintain our facilities and operate our programs.
  • Harmonie German Club supports our club by prodiving a venue to hold committee meetings and club meetings. They have the room sizes that can hold our AGM of over 100 people!

We are grateful for the support of our partners, who help us to make rowing in Canberra a thriving and accessible sport for all.

In addition to these partners, the Canberra Rowing Club also works closely with a number of other organizations, such as the University of Canberra, local schools, and community groups. These partnerships help us to provide rowing opportunities to a wider range of people and to promote the sport of rowing in the ACT.

We are committed to building strong partnerships with organisations that share our vision of making rowing a lifelong sport for all. If you are interested in partnering with the Canberra Rowing Club, please contact us.